Knowledge is Power: SecurityScorecard Webinar Recap

In this webinar, we dove into: Self-assessment on current security posture, improving internal processes around web development, improvements of vulnerability management, third party assessment and the use of this to assess new supplier’s and products. Check out the recap below – if you  have any questions of your own, or would like to know more about SecurityScorecard, leave us a message here. 

Third Party Risk Management and Knowing Your Supply Chain's Security Posture…

When working with another party – a vendor, a supplier, or perhaps a customer, it’s common they may have some access to your systems or data. Poor security on their part could result in a major security incident for your organization. But there is more to supply chain risk than a network breach from a supplier. Even if you are not directly compromised you may still need to deal with the fallout of an adversary compromising your data.

Do you have the knowledge you need to manage third party risk? How can you assess your supply chain’s security posture, or those third parties you want to introduce into your supply chain? While it’s critical to maintain ongoing assessment of your own security posture, in today’s interdependent business environment it’s essential to also assess the security posture of your third parties. With SecurityScorecard, you gain the power of knowledge and the ability to assess yourself, those you work with, those you’re considering working with – and even competitors!


Tony Allwood
Tony Allwood - Cybersecurity Manager (Silver Fern Farms)

Tony is the Head of Security for Silver Fern Farms and has over 30 years experience working in technology. He is passionate about helping organisations and staff improve security and believes that a good security culture can be an enabler that provides many benefits to an organisation.

Marco Corrent
Marco Corrent - Partner Sales Director, ANZ (SecurityScorecard)

Marco Corrent has over 20 years experience in the ANZ Cyber Security market guiding channel partner relationships to protect our customers from Cyber threats.

With experience across multiple cyber security technologies, Marco is now focused on helping his partners solve the emerging problems relating to Supply Chain and Third Party vendor cyber risks.

Alex Su Profile
Alex Su - Senior Solutions Architect (SecurityScorecard)

Alex is an experienced cyber security professional with over 20 years of experience in helping organisations uplift their cyber security maturity to the next level.

He is your trusted security advisor at SecurityScorecard, providing guidance and in-depth knowledge on the market and the application of the solution with a consultative approach.

How does it work?

SecurityScorecard simplifies cybersecurity by eliminating the guesswork. The platform gathers data from numerous sources, such as public data breaches, vulnerabilities, and even hacker discussions on the dark web. It delivers real-time alerts and insights, allowing for the swift identification of vulnerabilities and weak points, culminating in an overall security score. The engaging challenge then lies in improving your score through targeted security measures.

Utilizing a vendor like SecurityScorecard is essential for companies—not only to evaluate their own security risks but also to assess those of their vendors and suppliers. As the saying goes, ‘you’re only as strong as your weakest link.’ In an era where shared access is common, a single security gap can swiftly compromise an entire system. Attend this webinar to delve into the attack on Latitude Finance and discover how Chillisoft can demonstrate the effectiveness of SecurityScorecard in providing real-time reports for all your suppliers.

Technical Demo

In the technical demo shown in the recap video, Alex Su showed live threat investigations using SecurityScorecard’s new bleeding edge threat intelligence solution, Attack Surface Intelligence (ASI). In this demo, SecurityScorecard proactively finds ransomware with advanced hunting techniques including:


  • Uncovering hidden patterns
  • Finding suspicious malware
  • Identifying critical vulnerabilities

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