NZ has had a massive hit of DDoS Attacks!
In the tail end of 2024, we have seen an alarming surge in DDoS attacks, with the Financial Services Industry (FSI) being a prime target.
In the first half of 2024 alone, over 45% of Network Layer DDoS attacks in the APAC region were aimed at financial institutions, marking a dramatic increase from previous years.
We’re now also seeing a staggering spike in DDoS attacks across all sectors, while our financial industries are still being hammered! 
The good news is our Imperva tools have been doing an excellent job protecting companies from these attacks! 

During this session we showed how Imperva’s award winning WAF and DDOS solution has effectively shielded Kiwi companies from these DDoS attacks. We discussed what techniques are being used to perform these attacks, where they’re coming from and going to. Importantly, we were delighted to have Darren Beattie CISO of Tower Insurance join us for a fire-side chat to discuss his findings and learnings about the surge in attacks. Catch up on the video recap below! 

In the webinar, we explored the factors driving this wave of cyber threats, including rapid digitalization, geopolitical tensions, and the expansion of financial platforms.
We’ll also break down critical insights into the rise of Network and Application Layer DDoS attacks, and what Kiwi organizations can do to strengthen their defenses.
Contact us about Imperva and stay ahead of evolving cyber risks from DDoS attacks. 

Event Overview

• Why DDoS attacks are rising in NZ & key factors behind it.

• Key trends in Network and Application Layer DDoS attacks 

• Discover effective mitigation strategies.


NZ DDoS Attack Analysis (10 min)

Key trends in Network & APP Layer DDoS Attacks (10 min)

Live DDoS attack demo & defense strat (20 min)

Fireside Chat (20 min)


Alex Teh



Muqeet Khan
Solutions Engineering Manager 
Australia & New Zealand


Darren Beattie
Tower Insurance
Head of Information Security

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