With ESET Protect Elite being released, we went on the road and took Elite...Read More
ESET Protect Elite enables security managers to uncover vulnerabilities from a single console and end point. These vulnerabilities can also be automatically patched across all end points and servers! Together with ESET’s XDR product and Chillisoft’s MDR bundle, ESET Protect Elite offers unmatched value for partners looking to cater for NZ’s SMB and MSP’s. With Elite, you’ll enjoy the benefits of Vulnerability & Patch Management as an added feature of ESET Protect Complete – at no extra cost. For those worried about insurance, enjoy peace of mind with ESET Protect Elite, the best possible coverage for Cyber Insurance requirements from ESET.
Vulnerability assessment
Patch Management
Problem? SOLUTION!
ESET PROTECT Elite solutions
The IT team is overloaded and behind with patching!
Benefit from advanced prioritization and automation techniques.
√ Set optimal scan frequencies and, synchronize them with patching set-ups in order to address relevant and exploitable vulnerabilities without overloading your IT teams.
√ Filter vulnerabilities based on their severity; prioritize vulnerabilities that pose significant business risks.
√ Customize your patching policies. Prioritize critical assets by manually addressing severe vulnerabilities, then automate patching of other assets to take place at off-peak times to avoid interruptions.
√ Register and track exceptions for patches; avoid having to track every single patch.
I need our applications to be up to date, but I lack IT resources
Benefit from fully automated vulnerability assessment and patch management, and ESET support
√ Automated scanning of your endpoints’ software and third-party applications, with instant reporting to the console, for immediate visibility of vulnerabilities
√ To ensure continuous protection for your organization, configure auto-patching by selecting a patching strategy (all, only allowed, or all but excluded) and define specific time slots for when patching should occur.
The complexity of our IT continues to grow, making coordination among cross-functional teams harder
Benefit from our ESET PROTECT platform , which allows you to manage ESET Vulnerability & Patch Management and the wider security of all your digital assets inventory
√ Centralize and automate multiple IT security
and management tasks with the ESET PROTECT Platform, which includes ESET Vulnerability & Patch Management.* Decrease the complexity of your IT management
√ Take advantage of the ESET Vulnerability &
Patch Management multitenancy functionality:enjoy full visibility over the entire network, yetbe focused on your dedicated area
√ Maintain up-to-date inventory and close any
infrastructure blind spots
√ Benefit from the prevention, detection, and
response strategies of ESET PROTECT to minimize your exposure to threats that go beyond software vulnerabilities
√ ESET Vulnerability & Patch Management
simplifies your compliance with GDPR, HIPAA,PCI DSS, and other data security requirements from industry, government, and regulatory bodies
I don’t have full visibility of the security of my IT stack
Benefit from the single-console, unified view that you get with the ESET PROTECT Cloud console
√ Get full visibility of your organization’s endpoints,
licenses, and vulnerability & patching statuses
across your asset inventory, always kept up to date
√ View the real-time status of your IT security via
the ESET PROTECT Cloud console
√Connect anytime, anywhere, from your favorite
web browser—allowing you to respond instantly
√ Create relevant reports to measure the
effectiveness and progress of your vulnerability and patch management policies
Contact us
Have questions about ESET Protect Elite?
Give us a call! +64 9 309 3281
Or you can contact us through the form below.
What is ESET Vulnerability and PATCH MANAGEMETN?
ESET Vulnerability & Patch Managemetn activley tracks vulnerabilities in operating systems and common applications and enables automted patching across all endponits managed through our uniifed platform. Download the PDF below to find out more.
Elite in detail
Want to see more details of ESET Protect Elite? Download the pdf below or visit the ESET Elite NZ website here.
Rest easy knowing we have eyes on glass!
See here for full info on MDR here